Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Kia Ora everybody!!

My name is Marie Hartley and I will be the classroom teacher in Stafford 3 for 2010.

I am of Ngapuhi descent, however all of my whanau now live in and around Te Arawa.

I trained at Waikato University and graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor of Education and a Diploma in Teaching.  I have been teaching for seven years, this year being my eighth.  For the past seven years I have been teaching at Kaitao Middle School in Western Heights.  For the first four years I taught in mainstream, then the school developed Academies.  I spent my final three years as the Academy Leader of the sports and fitness academy.

I have come to Rotorua Intermediate to continue my growth as a professional, and to learn from some new people, who have a variety of skills and talents.  I chose to stick with Intermediate aged children as I really enjoy this particular age group!!!

My passions and strengths when it comes to curriculum are literacy and health, in particular fitness.

On a personal level, I have one child, a four year old daughter named Wikitoria.  She attends Daycare at present, but starts school in June!!!  Where has the time gone???  I am engaged to be married, but (to my partner's disgust) am in no particular hurry to plan (and pay for) a wedding!!!

I am looking forward to a full-on, fun year at Rotorua Intermediate this year.

:) Marie


  1. Hi Miss Hartley and everyone in S3. This is Daniel.I am now in the South Island. We came on the Ferry - Kaitaki. We have parked for a couple of days in the Kenepuru Sounds, which is about half way between Picton and Nelson. Bye for now

  2. Hi Daniel
    Thanks for the message!!! Sorry it has taken so long to reply but we have just come back from camp, and we have been ultra busy! How's the holiday going? Hope you are having fun and learning lots. Keep in touch, Hi from everyone in S3. :)
